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Jun 6, 2012
Category: General
Posted by: sboone

Helen Barrett Montgomerty School # 50, located at 301 Seneca Ave is getting a significant upgrade.

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Group 14621 Community Association was founded in 1974 by neighborhood residents concerned about property conditions, public safety (drug activity), and zoning issues. It is still a resident-controlled agency, with a board of directors from the neighborhood, and with members directing policy for the organization. We serve the area generally known as 14621, between the Genesee River and North Goodman Street, from Clifford Avenue to the Irondequoit/City line. With a strong history of advocacy, we continue to work with residents and other stakeholders to bring additional resources into the community and to work collectively to address problems

Our Mission

advocating to and for our neighborhood residents since 1974

Group 14621 is a membership organization for those who live, work, worship, volunteer or own property in the neighborhood generally bounded by the 14621 zip code area.

Our mission is to advocate for and to involve our community members in collective efforts to improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods. By so doing we enhance education, employment, housing and recreation opportunities for residents and foster personal responsibility, understanding and appreciation of our diversity and differences.

Adopted by Group 14621 Board of Directors; June 10, 2003

George H. Moses

Executive Director







G14621 Tax Returns

2012 Return